I want to be kidnapped

4 months ago

I am 15 1/2 female and I want to be kidnapped. I want to be taken from my home in the middle of the night and taken to someones home. where I am treated like either a pet or a useless diaper wearing baby. I want to be tied up so I can barely move very frequently. Wear a shock collar when I am not tied up so I can't escape even if I want too.

I feel as if I am going insane.

6 months ago

I keep on daydreaming about.. terrorist **** basically. I want to stop the world from ending, and the only way to do that is to get rid of the parasite on life that is humanity. I know I'm not smart enough or powerful enough to do so, but it's all I want to do. I think about how it would be if this was a story and I was the 'villain' in the context of the story. It wouldn't matter if I was right o...


My Definition

6 months ago

I want to share my definition of a **** stud. This is a strong, confident man who is in charge of everything around him. He's very handsome, could be in a rugged way. While he's fit, he's not an overly-muscled gym type of guy. And of course he has a great big ****. It gets so hard, and it might even be a little terrifying if you stare at it too long. He has proportional balls, not too big or too s...

I Think About Killing a Girl I Liked

6 months ago

I’ve had a crush on this girl since 7th grade. Didn’t actually get to know her as a person until freshman year of HS. We became close friends, but she eventually started avoiding me. It made me sad for the most part until the last day of my freshman year. Some part of me was hoping that she’d at least say goodbye to me or wish me a good summer break. She didn’t. I saw that she had a matching henna...

Please, forgive me.

6 months ago

I am sorry. I am, please believe me! I don’t know how to fix this. I will do anything just to stop your suffering. I am a dangerous person, s***, sub-human, a cornered animal. I am psychotic, and I have killed. Ex-gang member, I joined at 13 years old. Why? **** excuses. Even if I had a good reason, it doesn’t mean ****. You always have an option to not go down that path. For my initiation, I...

My wife humiliated me on our vacation at a resort and I left her there.

6 months ago

We had planned to spend the holidays at this nice resort with no children allowed instead of the normal stress that the holidays bring. The first few days started out great but as it went on my wife kept drinking more and more and would be flirty with strangers which bothered me a little bit but it got so much worse. 2 days ago when I went to go use the bathroom (I was gone for awhile as travel an...

I stole some money

6 months ago

I need to confess that I ended up stealing some money from the jar that is only used for money specifically used to buy unlicenced male medication, it has been weighing on me for a while and I just really wanted to get it off my chest. I will probably get backlash on it and that is fair and justified.

stolen money

we broke up because he thought I cheated

1 year ago

honestly, we broke up because he thought I cheated, i didn't. i just want him back, but i know that's not smart for mental health reasons because we weren't very healthy anymore. i miss him. a lot. he was my best friend, he's seen every part of me, seen how i am high as ****, seen me sobbing my eyes out over a woman who wasn't even related to me. i just want my friend back, without the feelings. H...

Guys are so weird sometimes

1 year ago

I once caught my mom’s boyfriend taking pictures up my skirt. I was still in 9th grade and didn’t quite know what to do at the time. Me, my mom and her boyfriend were in the living room watching a movie. My mom got up to go shower and I made myself more comfortable on the vacant space left on the couch. My mom’s boyfriend was sitting somewhat across from me next to my feet. One time I looked in hi...

Married young

1 year ago

My wife and I were married when she was 17 and I was 19. We had our first son at 19 and 21. After our son was born my wife put him first in our lives. I was denied *** over and over until out of frustration I found a girlfriend. My girlfriend didn’t know I was married at the time. One day when my wife was visiting her parents with the baby I took my girlfriend home to grab something I had forgotte...

Older guys

1 year ago

Never expected it when I was younger but turns out my favorite thing in the world is to dress like a ****ty femboy and let old men do whatever they want to me.


I think I'm insane

1 year ago

I'm a 35 married man with two adolescent kids that I adore, and two cats. I love all my family. I'm a vegetarian, I do charity work at church and nurse back to health every stray animal I meet. I'm well liked among my coworkers and my boss loves me. BUT, there is this woman, a fat blonde woman who looks like Kevin Malone from the Office with a thin wig, obese mind you, and runs a Sailor Moon fan p...

I want to watch my husband f*ck my friend

1 year ago

My husband spent almost 3 years abroad. I started working at a new place while he was away and met an amazing woman. We instantly connected and after some time, I cheated on my husband with her. I find her really ***y and *** with her is amazing. She is also bi and I told her I would love to see my husband f*ck her now that he is back. She liked the idea. A lot I think tomorrow it might actually h...

husband friend

My parents have a cat that has hated me for 10 years. Finally through bribery we're friends.

1 year ago

So my parents have a pretty Persian cat, appropriately named Purrsia. They adopted her about 10 years ago, she was a stray and after feeding her and caring for her my mom officially adopted her. She was probably on her own for a while, was feral and wild. It took effort by my mom to get her somewhat friendly and relatively housebroken. She at first wouldn't let anyone pet her, barely let my mom...