Married young

My wife and I were married when she was 17 and I was 19. We had our first son at 19 and 21. After our son was born my wife put him first in our lives. I was denied *** over and over until out of frustration I found a girlfriend. My girlfriend didn’t know I was married at the time. One day when my wife was visiting her parents with the baby I took my girlfriend home to grab something I had forgotten. It took me a while to find it. My girlfriend became impatient and began looking for me. Unbeknownst to me she stumbled upon the baby’s bedroom. She didn’t say anything for months. One day out of the blue she asked if I was married. I told her I was. She said she already knew. She explained how she found out. This girlfriend and I had an affair that later for 32 years. It e d edge cause my girlfriend p***ed away at 49 years old. She was the love of my life. I think of her every day. Her name was Cindy. My wife never found out I was so in love with Cindy. I am still married but it is loveless. I miss Cindy everyday.

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