I enjoy when other people suffer.

I'm a 33 year old man from Finland, living a more or less normal life. I could describe myself with the following words: Intelligent, Adaptive, Cautious, Well-mannered, Introvert... Sadist. Of course, the last one is a quality that I wouldn't mention in a casual conversation. Not that I'm ashamed of it, but I feel that it's something that is almost universally deemed as an unambiguously bad thing... Most of the world's population would probably find it very difficult to discuss that word without getting negative feelings - maybe even ones as strong as hatred and disgust. And I don't blame them - after all, we are talking about a perversion that indicates that I enjoy when other people suffer... I might even enjoy to be the source of that suffering. So I don't talk about it. I have brought it up only a couple of times during my whole life.

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